The Executive Director (ED) of BOWDA reports directly to a volunteer board of directors elected by the BOWDA membership. The general duties of ED include, but not limited to, the following;

Issues and Advocacy. The primary function of BOWDA is to advocate on behalf of the building and development industry in the Bow Valley (Banff, Canmore and the MD of Bighorn). The ED should have a strong understanding and knowledge of key federal, Provincial and municipal legislation that impacts the building and development industry, including Municipal Government Act (MGA) and other Provincial regulations, Town of Canmore Municipal Development Plan (MDP), Town of Canmore Land Use Bylaw (LUB). Some of the duties required include:

·      Government Liaison - meet with the contacts of the Town Canmore (and if appropriate Town of Banff & the M.D. of Bighorn) administration for a bi-monthly "Liaison Meeting" to discuss relevant industry issues. Develop an agenda, facilitate meetings, take notes and relay information to the "Liaison Committee". These meetings are critical to maintain the flow of information and relationship with the various departments (primarily the Planning, Engineering, Waste Management and Finance departments). Also maintain and follow-up on correspondence and meetings with other levels of Government (Provincial & Federal) as required.

·      Committees - The ED is responsible for scheduling and coordinating BOWDA committee meetings which currently include:

o   Governance Committee

o   Builders Committee

o   Budget Finance Committee

o   Housing Action Committee

o   Sustainability Committee

o   Training – BOWDA provides some safety training opportunities for members. These are to be coordinated with the Safety Training Committee to determine relevant opportunities and marketed to members who would benefit.

o   Town Liaison Committees:

§  Off-Site Levies, - coordinate yearly review with the Town of Canmore, ensuring policy is followed and agreements are fair, equitable, and aligned with MGA and Off-Site Levy Regulations;

§  Land Use Bylaw, Engineering Design & Construction Guidelines (EDCG) – Coordinate review of LUB and EDCG on annual or other agreed to timeline. Utilizing BOWDA member expertise to ensure updates address issues impacting industry.

§  Others as the need arises

Membership. BOWDA is a membership driven organization. Therefore, providing value to members, maintaining strong relationships with members and maintaining and attracting new members is vital to the long-term success of the organization.

·      Monthly Lunch Meetings – The ED will develop and maintain the 10-lunch meeting schedule, research and schedule speakers, and be the MC at the meetings, providing introductions and updating members about current issues. There are also two special meetings each year which are the annual BBQ, held in June, and the Christmas lunch meeting held in December. These two events have unique requirements and require additional preparation.

·      Annual General Meeting - is held at the April Lunch meeting.  The ED organizes this meeting, provides AGM packages to all members, and is the emcee for the meeting. Coordinate voting for board members. Work with Governance Committee to designate proxy holders as appropriate. Update Service Alberta with list of current board members after AGM.

·      BOWDA Membership - promote membership in BOWDA to all businesses in the Bow Valley (Banff, Canmore and the MD of Bighorn), using various methods to reach as many potential members as possible (newspaper advertising, direct mail, electronic and social media, one-on-one meetings, etc.). Increase BOWDA membership whenever possible in order to maintain the organization's budget and fund new initiatives. Maintain and update BOWDA member database.

·      Member communication - Provide ongoing communication with members through email, newsletters, phone calls, website updates and face-to-face discussions. Prepare and send member invoices for membership, lunch and event attendance, and other items as necessary.

·      General - Executive Director must maintain good relations with BOWDA members, the community, media, Town administration(s), and Council(s). The ED is the public face of BOWDA and needs to project professionalism and competency in all aspects of the role, acting in the best interest of and representing BOWDA members and the development industry in general.

Board of Directors. The ED meets monthly from Sept to June with the board of directors to review current industry issues and discuss upcoming issues and initiatives. The ED will provide and revise agenda as required, take and distribute minutes of the meeting, and act on the board's directions. The ED will maintain communication with the board throughout the month and regular communication with the Board Chair, providing follow-up on issues and keeping board and members current. The ED will work closely with the Board Chair to ensure the smooth transfer of information, budget development, and issue discussion.

·      Budget Review - in conjunction with the Treasurer and the board, develop an annual budget and business plan for the organization, maintain it, ensuring efficient financial operation of the organization, and Non-Profit status in Alberta is maintained by ensuring all required filings are current.

·      Bookkeeping and Financial Statements - Oversee that bookkeeping duties including accounts payable, accounts receivable, preparation of related ledgers and statements, reconciliation of accounts and year-end financial statements are completed in a timely manner.

·      Bylaws. Ensure BOWDA’s bylaws are up to date and are followed. Discuss any bylaw changes with Governance Committee for recommendation to the Board of Directors for approval by BOWDA members.

Information. BOWDA members value the information that they receive from the organization. This information allows our members to stay current on local and provincial issues that impact the industry.

·      Municipal Council Liaison. Review local Council agenda packages to identify issues impacting the industry and members. Attend appropriate Canmore Council meetings and take notes on agenda items that are relevant to membership concerns. Council Notes to be emailed to members* directly after the meetings. (* only BOWDA members that have indicated a desire to receive this communication).

·      Federal and Provincial issues. Maintain relationships with other organizations that are active at the federal and provincial levels and provide relevant updates to members.

·      Fact Sheets. Create fact sheets on relevant issues and provide to members as appropriate.

 Key Performance Indicators, with approximate time allotment per month:



Performance Indicator

Time allotment

BOWDA Issues & Advocacy - 35-40%

Identify issues, provide background information to BOWDA board for direction and establishing BOWDA position

·       Utilize committees as appropriate.

·       Advocate as required and directed by Board, including obtaining feedback from BOWDA members when appropriate

Board & Other Meetings - 15-20%

Board agenda packages to board members at least 40 hours prior to board meetings

Organize at least 4 Liaison meetings with Town of Canmore Administration per year

Information - 10-15%

Canmore: attend 75% of Council meetings,

Banff and MD of Bighorn: attend or report on 1 Council meeting per year for each.

Take notes, and provide to members

Fact Sheet creation on appropriate topic(s)

Membership - 10-15%

# members: 275

Member revenue 2024: $147,000

Retention rate: 95% (based on revenue)

Luncheons - 10%

Average attendance: 125 per luncheon

Luncheon sponsorship: 4 per lunch.

Sponsor revenue: $10-15,000

Safety Training & Seminars - 5%

Host minimum 3 safety training courses or seminars throughout 2020, with minimum 10 attendees per course/seminar

If you are interested in this position, please send your cover letter and resume to